Hi Yakson Beauties :)

Have you ever visited Korea before? Or are you planning to visit Korea soon?

If you are coming to Korea soon, there are a lot of places you have to visit!

For today, I would like to introduce the hottest place in Seoul, Garosugil :)
This is the place several travelers' must visit place in Korea. It's because this is s spot a lot of celebrities come, there are many shops that sell unique clothes and accessories.

Especially, Garosugil is not only a famous place  for shopping, but also it is a place that has unique, trendy, and delicious food from the globe.

If you are missing Mexican food when you are in Korea? Or are you a bubble-tea lover? Don't worry, you can see every global food and beverage in Seoul.

Come to Seoul and visit Garogugil. And enjoy shopping and delicious food too!

Also, YAKSON BEAUTY is in everywhere in Korea :)

#Garosugil in #Seoul
#Hotspotinseoul #Trendyseoul #Seoulspot #mustgoplaceinseoul #K-travel #Koreavisiting #Gamsungtaco #Thealley #bubbletea #thealleykorea #tacorestaurantinseoul #koreantacorestaurant #tacos #landmarkinseoul #seoullandmark


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