[Yakson House] Introduction of Korean Tradition Therapy massage

This video is made by Yakson House.

It introduces how Korean Golki is effective. 

The House offers "special therapy," a method of "remodeling" the face and body through 

alternative massage techniques  to its original, 

symmetrical shape. 

Instead of feeling like a straightforward massage or a chiropractic therapy, the feeling 

that one gets from each session is that your bones are being "set" all over your body. 

Be warned, it's not for those who desire immediate and dramatic results. Nor is it for 

those who fear pain. 

Yakson runs an academy in Seoul, and offers educational programs for therapists from 

all over the world who come to learn Yakson's bone therapy techniques. 

The techniques are based on guidelines set forth by Julius Wolff, an orthopedic surgeon 

in Germany, who theorized that calcium absorption rates increase according to the more 

shocks your bones receive.

* Yakson House was also featured on CNN Online news, so check out the 

URL below for 

more detailed information:


Yakson House NY Branch : 212-564-7474

 Yakson House Makati Branch : 02)892-9441

Yakson House LA Branch : 213-387-7900


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