Yakson House Beauty Editors in Philippines: Editor 'Charm' - Yakson House Makati Update: Yakson House' 3rd Beauty Editor

Blog: http://mssimplypretty.blogspot.kr/
Name: Charm
Original post on mssimplypretty.blogspot.kr/2014/04/30/yakson-house-makati/

Hi lovely readers, recently I have sent an application to Yakson House Philippines for their 3rd Online Beauty Editor. And I was really blessed to be chosen as their 3rd Beauty Editor. ^_^  (Thank you Yakson House !)
Their first beauty editor was Ms. Hana of Dollhana and their second beauty editor was Ms.  Kaye of kayehouseofstarks


What is Yakson House?

YAKSON HOUSE was established on May, 1995 in order to spread the new field of health culture and bone therapy to the world. YAKSON HOUSE achieved a brand special permission in Korea.It was opened the branch in the center of Seoul to the all the states in Korea. Furthermore in terms of YAKSON HOUSE's bone therapy, they set the networks among oriental doctors and other medical experts to research the motto of YAKSON HOUSE "healthy beauty".

What are their Philosophy?

Yakson House is RESPONSIBLE by taking the responsibilities for effects,HONEST by telling the truth of effects and CLEAR because they are open to all IP addresses.

Where can I find Yakson House?

Currently, Yakson House has branches in KoreaJapanUSAPhilippines and in China.

What are the Services they provide?

If you have any questions, please feel free to comment so that I can personally ask Yakson House Personnel. :)
I will schedule my first visit on Saturday so stay tune on my first review by next week. I'm so excited. Thanks for dropping by sweeties. See you on my next post.


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