Sodium, Sodium in Food, Reduce Sodium in Body

Sodium, Sodium in Food, Reduce Sodium in Body

Sodium, Sodium in Food, Reduce Sodium in Body

We consume sodium every day but too much sodium can have negative effects on our health. Especially sodium intake will increase blood pressure for salt-sensitive people. The recommended daily allowance for sodium is 2,300 mg. But if you're over 50 years old, your sodium intake shouldn't go above 1,500 mg per day.

Sodium present naturally in many foods and is added in the form of salt.
Many people think that salt and sodium are same thing but salt is 40 percent sodium and 60 percent chloride. That`s why sodium portion of salt is important to people who in high blood pressure.

Reduce Salt and Sodium in Your Diet

1) Eat more fresh foods at home to keep your balance
2) Add additional flavor such as garlic, basil and pepper to your food. (no extra sodium)
3) Use fresh vegetable instead of canned
4) Read the nutrition facts label to compare the amount of sodium
5) Rinse canned foods with water (beans, tuna, and veggies)

Eating less sodium can help reducing risk of heart disease and maintain a healthy weight. 

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  1. This is a very informative post, I've never been much aware or conscious of my sodium intake and the effects it has on my health. I don't suffer from high blood pressure - rather that I'm prone to low blood pressure and easily feel light headed from indoor sports etc.

    Fresh foods are a must, it's usually what I love eating.

    I'm not fond of garlic but like garlic bread funny enough, basil is a little strong for me but I love pepper and recently have been adding this to most my foods. I agree, the thing is fresh veggies have always been on my list but the only type of vanned veggies I buy are sweetcorn ^^

    I better hold back on the salt, just love salt on my fries XD

    Thanks for the post.
    Love from your new follower, Emi

    1. Thank you Emi for your reply. I don`t like basil as well that`s too strong to use making food. I prefer to use low sodium salt and pepper. Next time I will post about low blood pressure :)

    2. Thank you that would be very useful for me ^^

      Looking forward to the post ^^


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