Face Meridian Massage, Natural Facelift Massage, Facelift Reflexology

This is my 9th sessions for face meridian massage at Yakson House. I have recently been told you look better than last time I met you. so I am quite happy to share my experience at Yakson House.

Face Meridian Massage, Natural Facelift Massage, Facelift Reflexology

Face Meridian Massage, Natural Facelift Massage, Facelift Reflexology

Face Meridian Massage, Natural Facelift Massage, Facelift Reflexology

First time I got a massage from Yakson House. It was quite painful I have never experienced and after 9th session I feel more fresh and comfortable. Every time they gave me massage based on my skin condition so my skin keeps clean and clear.

After working long hours increase my stress and I feel extremely stiff and achy all the time. Through Yakson House`s massage help me to relieve my stress and fix my body balance and they suggest our daily meal plan such as don`t drink much water or soda during eating meal, go to sleep before 10. These little tips of our daily life also affect our body`s condition as well.

                        yakson house

Yakson House NY Branch : 212-564-7474

Yakson House Makati Branch : 02)892-9441     


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