Original Message Hi, How much will be the cost for bow legs reduction?I'm from the Philippines and I'm interested on this treatment. Will i undergo to an operation for this one? Reply Message Good Day to you! Thank you for your queries! Curved leg care cost P23,000 for 10 sessions, Our Programs here in Yaksonmyunga does "NOT" require any surgical procedures. We are a traditional Korean Aesthetic Company specialized in health and body care with a twist. We offer Bone Therapy a method of remodeling the face and body through alternative massage technique to re-align your bone structure to its original, symmtrical shape. So, we offer all natural and non-surgical programs here. Hope to see you one day! Me and My team is waiting to take care of your body and health. Again Thank you very much and if you still have questions pls. feel free to contact us at (02)8929441 or (63)09054393761 for more details. Kim, Yumin Phil...
Lymphoedema refers to the painless swelling of a limb, caused by fluid that accumulates due to an obstruction in the lymph vessels draining the site. The body has two interconnected circulation systems, the cardiovascular and the lymphatic, which form a complex network from head to toe.