As Yaskon Gumi Okgye branch has opened 7th of December 2020, Yakson has 102 branches in South Korea 🙏 . In a country, which has a small land and a limited population like South Korea, opening more than 100 branches is never easy. Yakson’s population is not a bubble effect, but we have built our clients’ satisfaction and trust for many years. Experience a trustworthy K-beauty company, Yakson Beauty’s premium, and personalized treatments for you. Yakson has advanced in the Philippines, Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Vietnam, and Indonesia. In total, you can find Yakson Global branches in 8 countries! Thank you for your love and support👏💗. We will try our best to repay your love with great benefits! . #yakson #yaksonmyungga #yaksonbeauty #yaksontreatment #yaksonsingapore #yaksonphilippines #yaksonjapan #yaksonchina #yaksontaiwan #yaksonindonesia #yaksonvietnam #yaksonglobal #kbeauty #koreabeauty #kbeautycare #kskincare #koreaskincare *** For more information, pleas