Tofu is low in calories and excellent in feeling full and satisfied. It also has a high protein content.

As a meal replacement, or as a snack, tofu shake is a good choice! You can make it so easily, so, why don’t you try it?.

Let’s find out some tofu shake recipes that you can easily make.

[Tofu+Nuts Shake]

100g tofu, 2 walnuts, 5 almonds, 2 tablespoons of honey, 180ml milk (OR soy milk)


[Tofu+Banana Shake]

100g tofu, 1/2 banana, 2 tablespoons of honey, 180ml milk (OR soy milk)


[Tofu+Berries Shake]

100g tofu, some berry mix, 2 tablespoons of honey, 180ml milk (OR soy milk)

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