[Yakson House] Happy Paris Trip

Paris Trip

Travelling to Paris is of course a great way to discover history and culture. 
With its big boulevards, all the bridges, monuments, its sandwich sellers, 
Paris seems to be so familiar. We have the picture in our head of the Light city 
who is most of the time similar to the real city. And we love it on the spot!

But Paris isn't only about museums, sightseeing and the Eiffel tower. Paris is a city that breathes, who has a pulse.

 Paris Trip

So, Yakson House walk in the city without trying to understand wandering 
and observing, feeling the flow. 

Paris Trip

Paris Trip

Paris Trip

Walking in the streets of Paris leads to meeting its people, 
its history and its uncommon places. 
We had to attend plenty of good music shows below

Paris Trip

The person standing in the middle is our Yakson House Chairman :) 

Paris Trip

The weather was cool and a bit rainy,
 but the sites were incredible and the art was amazing as expected. 
Looks like I also wanna go there :D



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