Hi Yakson Beauties!❤️❤️

If you haven't heard about 'GOLKI' THERAPY yet, or if you need further. 
Here's some information about Korea No.1 aesthetic treatment, GOLKI therapy :)

* The answers are from Yakson Singapore official website's FAQ category.

Q1. Are the treatments suitable for women who have recently given birth? How soon after delivery should start the treatments?

- Our recommended recovery period after delivery before commencing treatments is as follow:

One month for normal delivery, two months for delivery by caesarian section. Please consult with your gynaecologist for a professional assessment on the appropriate time to start post-natal treatments.

Q2. Are the treatments suitable for pregnant women?

- Yes, we offer pre-natal treatments that are specially tailored for pregnant women. Please check with our therapists for more details.

Q3. Is it normal to experience any pain or soreness of my bones (especially jawlines) and muscles after undergoing Golki Therapy?

- It is perfectly common and normal for you to experience a certain degree level of aching after undergoing your initial sessions of Golki Therapy, especially for the duration of the first 3 to 5 sessions. The reason is because your bones and body muscles are beginning their initial natural healing process of achieving alignment and balance as well as an increase in bone density and muscle toning through the improved level of blood circulation. The soreness will gradually subside within the first 3 to 5 sessions of continuous regular therapy. Founded in 1979 by Yaskon founder and Chairman Lee Byeng Cheol in Seoul, Golki therapy not only improves your skeletal bone structure through bone massage techniques but also increases core blood circulation to your skin and muscles, leading to an improvement in general wellness as well as natural beauty.

Q4. I’ve had braces/plastic/aesthetic procedures previously. Am I still able to receive Golki therapy?

- Yes, Golki Therapy is safe and suitable for those who have had braces/plastic/aesthetic procedures. However, there is a recommended waiting period (depending on the type of procedure) before starting Golki Therapy treatments. Please let your therapist know if you’ve had any had braces/plastic/aesthetic I’ve had braces/plastic/aesthetic procedures previously. Am I still able to receive Golki therapy? procedures done before and our qualified therapists will advise you accordingly.

*Further information… 

Yakson Makati Branch : 02)892-9441 
G4 Perla Mansion 117Don C.Palanca St. Legaspi Village. 
Makati. Philippines  
Yakson The Star Vista Branch:6734-8333
#B1-24 1 Vista Exchange Green Singapore 138617
Yakson Habourfront Branch:6734-8555
1 Maritime Square Harbourfront Center 
#02-17 Singapore
Yakson Wheelock Place Branch:6734-8777
501 Orchard Road Wheelock Place 
#05-12A Singapore


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