Face resizing care review from Yakson House website

Face resizing, face reduction, facial massage, small face

Face resizing care review

Face resizing care review

Face resizing care review

Face resizing care review

Face resizing care review

I get through 12 sessions of face resizing care with my therapist. The whole point was to get slim face with balance face line. My face is long with wide jaw line which makes my face look bigger. Even though yakson hose program` price is not that low I choose it because I don’t want to get any plastic surgery.

It was quite hard to get a massage for the first time because at that time, golki therapy was not familiar to me. Golki therapy is a way to balance the body and relaxation.

After 10 sessions, Yakson House staff showed me plaster mask of my face I can`t believe my eyes. Wow is this really my face? My face is getting much smaller than before. Lose face fat is not easy way to do it yourself but with golki therapy you can have slim face for sure. Thanks you, Yakson House 

                 yakson house

Yakson House NY Branch : 212-564-7474

Yakson House Makati Branch : 02)892-9441


  1. wow that is amazing, Are you have shops in china too?

    1. Thank you for your comment, Luo! unfortunately we do not have a branch in China! If you have any chance to come Korea, visit our shop :)

  2. Will this be helpful if I just want to have better face shape but not necessarily a clearly smaller face? Or is Unequal face care better?

    I hope you'll make another branch in the Philippines

    1. Our program will definitively help you. We offer Bone Therapy a method of remodeling the face and body through alternative massage technique to re-align your bone structure to its original, symmetrical shape. So, we offer all natural and non-surgical programs here. We are a traditional Korean Aesthetic Company specialized in health and body care with golki therapy.If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us at 02-892-9441, or you can stop by at our salon.

  3. how much the face resizing shape?

    1. Please check the price for the program you want to receive at www.yaksonhouse.com
      This is our main homepage. I strongly recommend you to take a closer look at our website.
      Thanks :)

  4. I would love to try this where's your branch in Philippines?

  5. How long does it take to see the changes?

    1. Actually, you will be able to see changes right after 1 session..
      but If you want to see big changes, I recommend you to complete all 20 sessions.


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