[YAKSON] YAKSON KOREAN FACE RESIZING 2ND OUTLET OPENING! / YAKSON BRANCH / YAKSON SINGAPORE It used to be that if you want the slim, doll-like face shape that’s de rigeur for K-pop stars, you have to go for plastic surgery. But no longer — thanks to Korean aesthetic company Yakson House's unique Golki therapy which slims down your body and face without touching a scalpel. Known as ‘bone tonification’ (the Korean term ‘Golki’ translates to ‘bone energy’), the non-invasive manual therapy uses bone massage techniques to reset bone structure to your desired shape. You get a better complexion out of it too, as the massage stimulates blood flow to your skin and muscles to supply nutrients and carry away toxins. There’s also no downtime. It all sounded fantastic, so I booked a session for their Sculpture Face Care treatment at Yakson’s new and first Singapore outlet. I did feel a little apprehensive about, um, resetting my bones by sheer ...
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