Pretty legs care, leg correction care, bowed legs, legs straightening, bow legs

pretty legs care, leg correction care, bowed legs, legs straightening, bow legs

Yakson House can correct bow legs without surgery. We can help you standing straighter and even look taller. Here is our before & after pictures of our bow legs correction program.

yakson house

Yakson House NY Branch : 212-564-7474
Yakson House Makati Branch : 02)892-9441


  1. Replies
    1. Ideal legs have their own standards of beauty: they should be straight, knees, feet and calves should close up forming three spaces. Such a standard is important not only from an aesthetic, but also from a medical point of view. Any deviations can be harmful to health. If only the knees close up and the feet diverge to the sides, the orthopedist diagnoses valgus deformity. How to live with such a diagnosis and what kind of treatment Ladisten clinic can offer is described in our article

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