Pretty Hips Care, Hip Shape Program


Pretty Hips Care, Hip Shape Program

After 20 sessions

Pretty Hips Care, Hip Shape Program

After 25 sessions

Pretty Hips Care, Hip Shape Program


Corrective stance to fix my posture. They say if your body posture is not aligned, you will experience pain from unbalanced body. This full body shape-up program is designed to fix body posture through Yakson House`s Golki Massage. In our body, hip is the largest, broadest muscle. Yakson House`s care make large hips smaller, slacking hips firmer, and restore the overall hip line.

Pretty hips care

The curve going down from the waist to the hips determines attractiveness of your lower body. But the beauty of this line is often compromised as your pelvis widens due to long hours of sitting, childbirth or nursing and as your hips slack. The curve on your body will not only make you look more attractive in your stylish outfit but also serve as the icon of your health. 

Pretty hips care PROCESS

Pretty hips care
Pretty hips care

Pretty hips care

Lower body shape care ▶ abdomen shape care ▶ Back shape care ▶ Lower body part shape care ▶ hips lipolysis care ▶ Lower body lipolysis care ▶ hip mask pack


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