Revolutionary Sisters When their parent decides to divorce, a mother is killed by someone… Who murders her? Each family members are suspect in the mother’s murder case. Who’s the murderer? Don’t forget to watch the show. ◽ Language – Korean ◽ Created by Kim Sang Hwi / KBS Drama Production ◽ Genre – Family drama / Romance / Comedy / Thriller / Mystery / Melodrama ◽ Starring – Hong Eun Hee as Lee Gwang Nam / Go Won Hee as Lee Gwang Tae / Jeon Hye Bin as Lee Gwang Sik Yakson Beauty sponsors Revolutionary Sisters (오케이 광자매)❤. #revolutionarysisters #okaygwangsister #오케이광자매 #koreadrama #koreamelodrama #koreathrillerdrama #koreathriller #약손명가 #yaksonbeauty *** For more information, please visit Yakson global websites. http://www.beautymade.com/kor/ http://www.yakson.com.sg/sg/ http://www.yaksonhouse.ph/ph/ http://yakson.com.vn/ http://www.yaksonhouse.cn/cn/ https://www.yaksonhouse.co.jp/jp/ http://yaksonindonesia.com/