As the new year, 2019 started and many people decided to lose weight, but most of the people’s resolutions longer than a few days. Now, Spring has come, people now realize that now is the real time to prepare for the coming summer! The hardest part when you go on a diet is probably the belly fat. Modern people usually work in office. So, most people have a sedentary lifestyle, working in office. This sitting posture is not good for blood circulation, and bad blood circulation may be the reason of gaining your belly fat. Yakson Beauty provides Tummy Care to remove the root cause of getting fat and help you lose the belly fat. Why do we need it? Abdominal fatness, especially excessive fat on the organs, can harm your health. The rold of fat on an organ is to protect it, and thus, if our liver, gall, heart, small intestine, spleen, stomach, lungs, large intestine, kidneys, bladder, or other organs are not in a good state, our body produces more fat to protect them. If ...