[Yakson House] Sneaky sodium traps sabotaging your looks

Salt is so in right now as in, in everything you eat. As any healthcare professional will tell you, our sodium intake is out of control. Salty food is not doing your looks any favors. Besides contributing to heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity, to name a few, OD-ing on salt dehydrates skin, which means more wrinkles, puffy eyes and dark circles. It also can make you bloated, which we don't have to tell you Cutting back on your salt intake isn't as easy as putting down the salt shaker, or avoiding the obvious culprits, like Pretzels and chips. Salt is sneakier than you'd think, and it's hiding in many of the foods you'd least expect. I will tell you some food that have been tricked you all this time. You will find this very surprising. 1. California Roll With all those omega-3s, sushi falls under the healthy column.... if you stick...